Gambling with the Future of North Carolina
NC lawmakers, especially conservative ones, are on the cusp of making one of the worst policy decisions affecting the future of NC. The General Assembly is mulling legislation to expand gambling in the state. Casinos, video poker, and other forms of this vice are being tossed around by its members. “Conservative” leaders seem to be at the forefront of this effort. These same leaders have championed legislation promoting family values such as the sanctity of life and protections for high school women in sports. Yet, there seems to be a rising insensitivity to the evils of the gambling industry and its detrimental effects on families.
For those NC senators and representatives who have a Christian conscience, may you be guided or haunted by the timeless, inspired directive of God from His Book, “For the love of money is the root of all evil . . .” (1 Timothy 6:10) The gambling industry is driven by the vice of greed and will introduce a level of wickedness into this state like we have never seen? Why do I say this? Because I believe what God said. A vote for gambling expansion is a vote for greater evil in our state. Will Christian legislators let their faith guide them in this decision, or will they follow the money? I pray that you will not sell your souls for a mess of pottage like Esau.
For those NC senators and representatives who have a social conscience, may you be guided or haunted by the detrimental effects of gambling on society. Bankruptcies have been documented to increase within a 25 radius of casinos. It is estimated that one bankruptcy affects up to 17 people. The National Council on Problem Gaming estimates that gambling addictions cost the US $6.7 billion (and some believe that estimate is low). While acknowledging that gambling may bring jobs and tourism, it will also bring more financial distress, suicide, and crime. The “house” is the winner, and society and families are the loser.
When the Catawba Indians succeeded in their goal of establishing an off-reservation casino in Cleveland County, I learned a very important lesson. Money often speaks loudly in the political world. After eight years of having their gambling application rejected by a Democratic, liberal executive administration, the Catawba’s application was approved by a Republican administration with the support of the two Republican US senators from North Carolina. How does this happen? More than $500,000 was pumped into the campaigns of the president and senators. This doesn’t include the money spent for lobbyists and other efforts.
The Two Kings Casino is now in operation near Kings Mountain, NC. How is it doing? One thing is for sure, it has underperformed on the promises that were made. There is no realization of the 4,000 jobs that were estimated and the booming tourism venues. As a matter of fact, the casino is under federal investigation for violating federal law. The main developer was at one time indicted by a federal court and has paid millions in civil fines. The facility itself is a 29,000-square-foot complex of 29 modular trailers, a far cry from the 1.8 million square foot resort that was promised. Is this an example of what is to come with gambling expansion?
As you read this article, more money is being poured into this battle by gambling supporters. Lobbyists continue to converge upon Raleigh to persuade our lawmakers that the influx of money is worth the damage it will cause to the social and moral fabric of the state.
Unfortunately, I do not have lots of money. I do have a conscience, a voice, and a vote, and you do too. Whether you are a Christian or not, if you believe that gambling is detrimental to our beloved state, I hope you will contact your lawmakers and let it be made known. Show them that a vote is mightier than the dollar. Encourage them not to gamble with the future of North Carolina.
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