Who are you?
I suppose every person fills a variety of roles. For me, I want to fulfill them with a purpose. God gives us purpose.
My purpose for living . . .
. . . is to glorify God by pointing people to Jesus Christ and living a life consecrated to Him. This life is too short waste it on living for self and fame. Jesus gave HIs life on the cross for every human being. In addition, he spent time mentoring twelve men to change the world. If my life is spent proclaiming salvation through Jesus Christ alone and helping others, then it will be time well spent.
“Moses spent forty years thinking he was somebody; forty years learning he was nobody; and forty years discovering what God can do with a nobody.”
— D.L. Moody
What I am doing right now . . .
President of Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC (since 2009)
Mayor of Lattimore, NC (since 2003)
Chairman of the Board of Number 7 Fire Department in Lattimore, NC
Child of God
Husband to Michelle
Father to Andrew, Jared, and Karis
Baptist Preacher
Elected Official