Is Abortion in the Bible?
The year before I was born, the Supreme Court made perhaps the most controversial decision in its history when it chose to legalize abortion. A battle has been raging ever since in the court of public opinion and even churches. In recent days, Rafael Warnock, a US senator from Georgia who is also a pastor, has proudly called himself a pro-choice pastor. When a man of the cloth speaks for God, he better make sure he is not a false prophet.
The word “abortion” is not in the Bible. As a result, the world and some professing Christians declare a victory and tell the church to back off and mind its own business. While those people are correct in asserting that the word “abortion” is not in the Bible, they have erred greatly because they have refused to acknowledge what the Bible says about life.
In Isaiah 49:1, the old prophet declare, “Listen, O isles, unto me; And hearken, ye people, from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb; From the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.” What does this one verse teach us about life?
It teaches us that God has a purpose for people that begins when they are in the womb. Some men spend a lifetime trying to figure out their purpose in life apart from God. However, God’s plans for a person’s life begins before they are born. Who are we to take the life of a child, when God expresses a purpose and call for him before he is even born?
The Bible teaches that babies are formed in the wombs of women. No child on the face of this planet has ever been born apart from the womb of the mother. In a day when pseudo-scientists change biological terms to suit an agenda and phone-makers create emojis that do not reflect reality to appease the woke, we need a voice of reason and sanity. God shapes babies in the wombs of mothers.
God mentions the name of babies before they are born. Many feminists refer to unborn children as “it” and “fetus.” In this passage, God calls the unborn child by name. Many parents name their children before they are born and even call them by name when they are in the womb. Don’t think that practice strange. God does it too.
If you want to know what the mind of God is about abortion, look at what the Bible says about life in the womb. You will find John the Baptist leaping in the womb (Luke 1:41), God shaping David in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16), and much more. Don’t let the world fool you. The word “abortion” may not be in the Bible, but life in the womb is!
May the conscience of a nation struggle with this fact.